"Laws don't protect society from criminal sex offenders and do abrogate civil rights of citizens who are not harmful to society," he added.


Dr. Omer C. Stewart, professor of anthropology at the University of Colorado, delivered the banquet address, his subject being "Homosexuality Among American Indians and Other Aboriginal Peoples,"

"All animals exhibit homosexual behaviour," Dr. Stewart stated, The closest parallel to man, the monkey and the apo, exhibit homosexual activity female as well as male, though the femal has been less frequently observed.


Homosexual ity has been present throughout man's history and ap pears universally in all cultures, the anthropologist said.

He went on to describe the Berdache system and other homosexua vidences in the various tribes throughout the world, and it i hoped that in a future issue of THE LADDER we will be able to publish Dr. Stewart's entire paper on the subject.

He cited too the following conclusions from the cross-cultural comparisons made by Ford and Beach: Homosexuality is inherent in all mammals; it is never a predominant behaviour; it is mor common in adolescence than in adult life; it appears more amon men than women; it tends to be obscured in most societies, lik our own, because of inhibitions yet some individuals still

exhibit homosexual behaviour.


"Sinco homosexuality is so widespread in the mammalian spe cies and is found all over the world, it would seem proper to drop the term 'unnatural' when speaking of such behaviour," Dr. Stewart concludod.


Del Martin, president of the Daughters of Bilitis, gave a suamary of the September issue of THE LADDER, reporting the rosults of the questionnaire circulated by DOB last year. Copio: of this issue are still available and may be obtained by send. ing 50 cents to THE LADDER, 165 O'Farrell St., Rm. 405, San